You can create single or recurring appointments, meetings and events, see if attendees are free before inviting them, reserve a room and equipment, and write a message that is sent with the invite. You can save the invitation to send later and when you click Send, an email is sent inviting the attendees and reserving the resources you requested.
Activities you schedule include:
Appointments. An appointment is an activity that you schedule that does not include other people or resources. When you schedule an appointment, no email is sent to confirm the appointment. You can set recurring appointments. QuickAdd can be used to quickly create an appointment.
Events. An event is an activity that lasts all day. Events do not display as time on the calendar, they appear as banner at the top of the calendar schedule.
Meetings. Meetings are appointments that include other people. When you create a meeting, you select attendees and resources and send an email invitation to them. You can reschedule meetings and set up recurring meetings.
All three types of activities can be entered in several ways. You can schedule an appointment from any view except Preferences. To create an appointment you can do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click the arrow on
and select Appointment. This
is available in any view, except the Preferences view.
Enter appointments directly on the calendar. Double-click or drag through the date and time on a Calendar and the QuickAdd Appointment dialog opens.
Right-click on either the mini-calendar or the start time in one of the calendar views. You can select to create a New appointment or a New all day appointment.
Create a copy of a meeting and modify the information. Right-click the meeting to be copied and select Create a Copy.
Within an email message, certain text is interpreted as a date and triggers the ability to right-click to create an appointment. Text such as today, tomorrow, and a day-of-the-week or an exact date are highlighted in messages. Hover the mouse over this type of text to see if you have an appointment scheduled. Click on the highlighted text to open your calendar.
Drag and drop a message to a date on the mini-calendar. The Appointment page opens with the information in the email message added to the page. The subject of the message becomes the subject of the meeting, the To: Cc: and From: addresses are added to the Attendees field and the text in the body of the message is added to the Appointment text field.