Using the scheduling tool to view attendee and location availability

The Calendar scheduling tool can assist you with finding the next-available free times and meeting locations across your organization. You can set up preferences for preferred meeting times, buildings, location and room size.

As you enter attendee names, the scheduling tool begins to suggest times and locations in the Overview pane. You also have the option to look for a location for your meeting before adding attendees. If you set up your location preferences, only these locations are displayed.

Setting your scheduling preferences

The scheduling tool is enabled by default to automatically display attendee and location availability as soon as you enter the first attendee name in the Attendee field. In the Suggestion Preferences dialog, you can change the default to manual and configure other scheduling preferences to manage what is displayed.

When working in Calendar, click the Suggested Times heading in the Calendar Overview pane to open the Suggestion Preferences dialog.


Configure the following options:

How the scheduling tool works

When you schedule meetings, you can check to see when attendees are busy or free so you can find a good time for all attendees to meet. As you add attendees to the Attendees field, a suggestion panel in the Overview pane shows availability in 30 minute time slots for the attendees and for at least one room (location). The number on the right of the time is the number of locations that are available for this time. You can click this number to see a list of suggested locations and to select a location. The selected location is added to the Location field on the appointment page.

Note: Room locations are displayed if they have been configured in the company directory.

The mini-calendar suggests attendee availability by color code.

In the example below, all attendees are available all month except for January 18. Less than half are available on that date.



To select a suggested time, click on the row. The Start and End time fields on the appointment page are updated.

To select a location, click on the number in the row with the suggested time. Select a location from the list that is displayed. The location is added to the Location field.