Advanced Email Assistant is an advanced user feature that provides a quick way to interact with Web Client using the keyboard to do the following tasks:
Create new appointments
Go to a specific date in your calendar
Create new contacts
Send a new mail message without changing the application you are currently using
You can open Advanced Email Assistant from any view except the Preferences tab. The keyboard shortcut to open Advanced Email Assistant is ` (back quote). This key can be found below the Escape ( Esc) key.
The Advanced Email Assistant dialog offers detailed help. Below are the general steps for using Advanced Email Assistant.
From within the Advanced Email Web Client , use the shortcut key (either the back quote or shift tilde). The Advanced Email Assistant dialog displays.
Enter one of the following commands
To create an appointment, type appointment. You can then enter a subject in quotes, the time, a date and day of week, and any notes for the appointment. Click OK. Note: If you want more advanced appointment features, click More details to go to the Calendar Appointment page.
To go to a specific date in your calendar, type calendar and the date, or the day of the week. Click OK. Note: After the date you can enter the Calendar view you prefer, day, work week, week, or month. The Calendar opens in that view.
To create a new contact, type contact and enter the contact name, email address, etc. Click OK. Note: If you want to open the Contacts detail form, click More Details. On this form you can specify which address book to add the contact name.
To send an email without opening the compose windows, type mail. Enter the subject in quotes; type to: name@address and then type the body of the message. Click OK.