Using Task Lists

The Tasks feature lets you create to-do lists and manage tasks through to completion. You can add tasks to the default Tasks list, and you can create other task lists to organize your to-do lists by more specific activities, such as by work or personal projects. You can create a new Tasks List and  synchronize the tasks from a remote  iCal To Do list to the new list.

For simple task all you may need to do is create a task from the Content pane. If a task needs to be managed, you can add more details, define a start and due date, set the priority to the task - high, normal, or low, and keep track of the progress and percentage complete.

In the screen shot that follows, three task lists have been created. The tasks list shown in the Content pane is highlighted in blue. The Content pane shows the tasks that are upcoming, due today and past due. along with the status, percentage of the work completed, and the date the task should be finished.



Views Tasks in a Preview pane

You can enable a Preview pane to view the content of a task without opening the task. The Preview pane can display either at the bottom of the Content pane or on the right. Click View on the Task toolbar to select how to display the Preview pane.

When the Preview pane is at the bottom, the Task list view does not change. When the Preview pane is on the right, the Task list view does not show the status of a task and the percent complete is shown as a progress bar.  

Sorting tasks

You can sort the task list by subject, status, percentage complete, and due date.

In the Task view, select a task list and in the Content pane toolbar, click the heading to sort by.

Using Advanced EmailAssistant to quickly create a task

You can use Advanced Email Assistant to quickly add a task while working within an email message, a meeting within calendar or viewing a contact. When the task is created, any of the information that was available is added to the Task text area.

Printing Tasks

You can print all the tasks in the list or you can select specific tasks to print.

Share Task Lists

You can share your task lists with other people in your office , with external guests, and with the public . When you share your task lists with internal users, you can select the type of access the internal users can have, either manager or admin which gives full access to view and modify a task, or viewer, which gives read-only access. External guests and the public have read-only access.

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